Sunday, July 29, 2007

Turn Out the Lights...the Party's Over!

post-partyWell, I may not have gotten around to posting about Mt. Everest last night, but I sure do feel like I climbed it! But you all made it a lot of fun, and I thank you for keeping me entertained with your posts and comments, and for sponsoring me! You all did a great job, and I'm proud to know ya! :-)

Sweet dreams, sleep well!


Anonymous said...

Congrats .. 24 Hours straight you did it!

Its been a pleasure spending the last 24 hours with you ... Wheeeeeee! :0)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations La!!!

I am soooooo proud of you and your terrific, creative, inspiring blog. Highly commendable especially considering the crunch time you were up against along with a less than speedy "inter-webs" connection.

I've learned so much and am motivated to do more myself.

Thank you for your talented efforts and beautiful accomplishment.


ps. I love you!!!!